What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?

by June 07, 2019 0 comments
What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
An Alternate historyWhat if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
Continued on indefinitely, what would change in our environment?

What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?

Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, what if Dinosaurs never lost it? How would life be? What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?- whatifhub.com

Well, here's one scenario. Say there is no star, and the dinosaurs don't go extinct. Could they have even lasted in our timeline at the end of the Cretaceous Period?

Dinosaurs were starting to be in tough shape due to an increase in Volcanic activity and changes to the Ecosystem. Now one visitor will say that means the dinosaurs were dying off before the asteroid!

To that I say... No sit down. The dinosaurs had dominated Earth for over a hundred and fifty million years before the asteroid.

Over this period, Earth went from a single continent of Pangaea, To somewhat resemble the world map we see today.

What if dinosaurs survived and evolved

Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, what if Dinosaurs never lost it? How would life be? What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
what if dinosaurs survived and evolved- whatifhub.com

Climate turned environments changed, but the dinosaurs never went away. We never think about how incredible that is that these creatures could last for so long at the time the asteroid hit. The Dinosaurs were merely in a slump.

If it hadn't been for space rock crashing toward the planet. The dinosaurs probably could have evolved and recovered. Just as they did for Generations before the asteroid impact wiped out everything.

More massive than a cat(meow) and it affected the earth for millions of years over millions of years. Mammals Rose and eventually gave rise to humans.

Today the dinosaurs never Truly died off. One Branch of dinosaur remained the extinction and evolved into what we call birds.

In an alternate timeline, if the asteroid never hit, It's very likely the dinosaurs would have survived in the present day.

There were so many diverse and different species. Some data suggest dinosaurs could have been warm-blooded or at least a mix between cold and warm.

If this were the case, Species of dinosaurs would have survived the ice age adapting to the Colder world. Dinosaurs evolved for millions of years.

What if dinosaurs evolved

Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, what if Dinosaurs never lost it? How would life be? What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
what if dinosaurs evolved- whatifhub.com

Differentiating into numerous species becoming stranger and stranger(Therizinosaurs). If this weren't stopped entirely alternate dinosaurs would roam the Earth today.

Impressive enough, birds would take a different evolutionary path. Birds like ostriches and emus Would most likely never evolve, because they'd be easy prey for larger dinosaurs.

However, flying Birds and reptiles would control the skies. Mammals never would have increased because they'd be prey for dinosaurs as well.

In our timeline, mammals and dinosaurs Actually evolved throughout the same time but mammals were always the prey and couldn't compete.

What would happen if dinosaurs still roamed the earth

Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, what if Dinosaurs never lost it? How would life be? What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
what would happen if dinosaurs still roamed the earth- whatifhub.com

Now a common idea is that if humans didn't exist, then obviously some intelligent dinosaur would take our place. Velociraptor or humanoid reptiles(Stegron the Dinosaur Man) and cars or whatnot odds are dinosaurs never would have evolved into looking like humans.

Humans have the shape We do because of our unique evolution and vestige in the fields of Africa.

Perhaps in some strange Fluke, a species could evolve intelligence comparable to humans, But that doesn't mean that they would be bipedal, or even have the capability to use technology.

Which means the most critical event of dinosaur is dying was it gave rise to us Humans.

The only reason you're here now, is because millions of years ago Earth was in the specific wrong place at the wrong (bat)time.

Dinosaurs didn't go extinct

Dinosaurs ruled the world for 150 million years, what if Dinosaurs never lost it? How would life be? What if Dinosaurs Never Went Extinct?
dinosaurs didn't go extinct- whatifhub.com

If an asteroid were off by a couple seconds or a minute, life on Earth would be entirely different. So if you want to thank something for why you're watching an internet article right now, Thank an unlucky space rock that crashed into Mexico.

Of course, this is speculation, And we'll never recognize a hundred percent how things could have been. This is just one scenario out of many.

What do you think life would be like had dinosaurs never went lost? (Better than now) Tell in the comments

* This article was originally published here

Mahi Uddin


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