What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?

by June 03, 2019 0 comments
An Alternate historyWhat if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?
It is no surprise that the West and the USSR hated each other. It's no wonder that immediately after Berlin fell, the Iron Curtain rose.

What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?

It came from none other than Winston Churchill. This plan was called Operation Unthinkable. Churchill was angry at the number of countries the Soviets claimed influence over after Nazi Germany fell. What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?
What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?  -whatifhub.com
It is a surprise that there was a plan so ludicrous and dangerous, it not only would have caused World War 3 but nuclear war.

It came from none other than Winston Churchill. This plan was called Operation Unthinkable. Churchill was angry at the number of countries the Soviets claimed influence over after Nazi Germany fell.

He believed that when world war 11 was finished that the USSR would be on the brink of complete collapse. Though this was not the case, and Churchill didn't look similar to this new world.

The USSR had begun installing new communist governments in eastern Europe, and their armies were too far west in Churchill's eyes. Thus he proposed a solution called Operation Unthinkable.

operation unthinkable alternate history

It came from none other than Winston Churchill. This plan was called Operation Unthinkable. Churchill was angry at the number of countries the Soviets claimed influence over after Nazi Germany fell. What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?
operation unthinkable alternate history  -whatifhub.com
Moreover, it was genuinely unthinkable the plan was a full-scale Anglo-American conflict against the Russians.

It was meant to drive out the Soviet forces from Germany, Poland, and eastern Europe to counter Russia ever-growing power.

Since it was so over the top, many thought Operation Unthinkable was suicidal thus reasonable leaders quickly ignored the plan of total war, soon after Churchill was voted out of the office for unrelated reasons yeah.

What if operation unthinkable was pointing to a fact what if it happened, what would be the outcome if such a strange plan was carried out well...

Here's one scenario the first obstacle the allied powers, allied as in British and Americans would have had to overcome the vast numbers difference between them and the Russians.

The Russian force totaled 11 million, 6.5 of which were on the German front the Soviet army simply outnumbered the Anglo-American force two to one.

So how would the allies counter this well, the plan was to rearm a hundred thousand captured German soldiers and revive the destroyed German war machine.

operation unthinkable hoi4

It came from none other than Winston Churchill. This plan was called Operation Unthinkable. Churchill was angry at the number of countries the Soviets claimed influence over after Nazi Germany fell. What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?
operation unthinkable hoi4  -whatifhub.com
This period however below allied control against the Russians, yet even bringing back the Germans would not be sufficient to equal the Soviets.

So there was another option nuclear war Churchill knew about project Manhattan and how the Americans had the potential to create an atomic bomb.

Keep in mind this was before the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so the plan was to harness American nukes to bomb USSR cities most importantly Moscow, Kiev and such in his mind this would be enough to crush the Soviets into submission and force their retreat or at least disorient them.

While the allied forces swept over Europe Operation, Unthinkable goes into effect on July 1st, 1945 the allied powers launch a full-scale military assault against Russian positions.

This coalition of British, American and German forces, 47 divisions in total crossing the communist nation.

The fighting is brutal, drawn out and an upward fight for the allies, not only would they need to push past Germany, but into Poland, East Russia, Moscow or even farther to stop any USSR resistance.

The Soviets begin to overtake the allies, and the Americans decide to bring in the big guns diverting nukes. That meant for Japan the US drops Little Boy on Moscow the Kremlin and a large portion of the city is destroyed.

This catches the Russian forces off guard, and the allies can push closer to Berlin. However, after the shock goes away the Russians slowly fight back.

hoi3 operation unthinkable

It came from none other than Winston Churchill. This plan was called Operation Unthinkable. Churchill was angry at the number of countries the Soviets claimed influence over after Nazi Germany fell. What if 'Operation Unthinkable' Happened?
hoi3 operation unthinkable  -whatifhub.com
The Americans and British goes in part with the fact that the Russians simply outnumbered. The allies and ultimately would be capable of beating them back.

Perhaps a few extra atomic bombs would be dropped on Russia over the next few months, but this would not deter.

The Soviets soon the Russians would attack France, and the allies would shrink to Britain, Soviet V-2 rockets could then strike London.

This scenario isn't a 100% prediction but just judging by the balance of mighty armies and conditions of the time.

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Its a fair representation of what probably would have occurred. The British and American simply weren't in a position to battle the Soviets, right after a world war.

The Russians had taken in half of Europe and install their allied governments. As to reasons why Operation Unthinkable was never put into effect or even considered as an immediate offensive measure.

How do you think the world would be if operation unthinkable happened to tell us in the comments.

* This article was originally published here

Mahi Uddin


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