The World of 'The Man in the High Castle' (Alternate WWII Scenario)

by May 31, 2019 0 comments
The World of 'The Man in the High Castle' (Alternate WWII Scenario)
An Alternate historyThe World of 'The Man in the High Castle'
Alternate History can make excellent fiction and creating a world, where certain events changed, is an exciting story.

The World of 'The Man in the High Castle' (Alternate WWII Scenario)

The World of 'The Man in the High Castle' (Alternate WWII Scenario)-

Which is why the genre has had success over the times and proceeds to do so One of the most famous alternate history novels is "The Man In The High Castle" by Philip K. Dick, set in an alternate 1962.

Where the Axis powers won World War II, Not only have they destroyed the Allies, but the nations of Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan took over the entire world.

The story tells the perspective of multiple people, living in a defeated United States but they aren't whom we care about.

man in the high castle map

man in the high castle map-

What we care about is the scenario. Dick's perspective of this axis' world is dark and disturbing and provides a harsh look at how things could've been, had America, Britain, and Russia lost the war.

In Dick's world, everything would've changed. EVERYTHING. So in this article, we're going to explore Dick's scenario and break it down piece by piece to shove into your greedy little mind.

The scenario starts in 1963, when President Roosevelt is assassinated before he ever can become a strong president or implement his policies.

The following presidents John Garner and later John Bricker are very weak and destabilized the United States. Without a principal leader in the crisis, the US falls into a hole, while Nazi Germany and Japan become stronger.

The US bows to the whim of the axis powers staying isolationist and out of European activities.

the man in the high castle american reich

World War II, also known as the Second World War, was an international war fought between the Axis Powers and Allied Forces. In the timeline of The Man in the High Castle, this war ended with the lost of the Allied Powers, resulting in the takeover of the United States by Japanese and Nazi military.
the man in the high castle american reich-

 As their economy is weak, the Americans are incapable of supplying the British and Russians in their battle against Germany.

Quickly the Nazis can conquer both Britain and the USSR by 1941. The Japanese, allied with Germany, take this opportunity to attack the US in a more significant attack against Pearl Harbour.

America's Pacific fleet is wiped out in a single time, and soon Japan attacks Hawaii.

In the near few years, the two powers attack America from both sides with Japan conquering the West Coast and Germany annexing east of the Mississippi.

By 1947 all enemies of the Axis powers including the US surrender. In the following decades, the world becomes much different as the Axis face relatively no primary opposition to their plans.

Japan expands its borders to Oceania, Australia, mainland China and all of South-East Asia. Japan sets up a white puppet administration on the West Coast called the "Pacific States of America."

Japan culturally replaces the West Coast making it infused with both, American and Eastern cultures. A mass migration of citizens from Japan occurs, changing the demographics of the states.

However, even though Japan does command the American west coast, they're comparatively light rulers compared to their Nazi counterparts.

The World of 'The Man in the High Castle' (Alternate WWII Scenario)

World War II, also known as the Second World War, was an international war fought between the Axis Powers and Allied Forces. In the timeline of The Man in the High Castle, this war ended with the lost of the Allied Powers, resulting in the takeover of the United States by Japanese and Nazi military.
The World of 'The Man in the High Castle' (Alternate WWII Scenario)-

Surprisingly, even though they're an empire, Japan is liberalized in the 20 years after the war.

As in our timeline, how Americans now prize native American artifacts, so do the Japanese settlers prize pre-war Americana.

In Europe, the story is much hopeless than in our timeline. In Dick's scenario, the Nazis shape the whole continent and landscape in their vision, reshaping the world around them with scientific advancements and horrifying policies.

Because of 20 years of German engineering, technology has advanced far beyond the 1960s of our timeline. In Dick's scenario, the Germans have already colonized the moon and set up man-exploration of Mars.

To gain more land, the Germans drain the Mediterranean Sea, turning it into fertile farmland. However, scientific and engineering works come at a terrible price.

With nobody to question the Nazi-policies, a Mega-Holocaust happens after Germany captures Russia, Poland, and Eastern Europe. Hitler's plan of "Lebensraum" is put into effect.

The only observation, this can be is the Native Americans and the Europeans. Slavic people in Dick's scenario are killed into extinction, millions and millions of people wiped out in a genocide.

man in the high castle summary

World War II, also known as the Second World War, was an international war fought between the Axis Powers and Allied Forces. In the timeline of The Man in the High Castle, this war ended with the lost of the Allied Powers, resulting in the takeover of the United States by Japanese and Nazi military.
man in the high castle summary-

Russian culture and Eastern Orthodox religion are non-existent. Poland, Russia, and Slavic lands are destroyed and replaced with German colonists.

Hitler's Aryan race grows and replaces the ruins of Moscow and Russia. Any few Slavic survivors remain in Native American stall reservations out in Siberia.

The Mega-Holocaust also expands into Africa, where Nazi-Germany, in 1962, is leading a genocide against native Africans.

Germany as well brings back African slavery in both Europe and the United States which, oh boy, drives us to Nazi-occupied America.

After the United States fell, it was reduced to the east of the Mississippi where a Nazi-puppet government replaced American democracy, implementing Nazi-policies in the US.

From the context, the Holocaust spread to the United States wiping out anyone, considered unworthy by Nazi-standards.

What used to be the United States is split into three nations: the Japanese-controlled "Pacific States," the Nazi-controlled "United States" and the "Free States of America." "Free States" is a buffer-zone between the two superpowers.

Americans don't know history before the war and those that do, are either too influenced or find it too difficult to imagine a world without Axis domination.

Young Americans in Dick's novel accept the status quo and grow up, not understanding the culture of pre-war America.

Do they think that an Ally victory would've to lead to a communist victory Oh yeah, and Canada? Canada just remained.....Canada.

They didn't change at all. It's just Canada Really, Mr. Dick? Really?

* This article was originally published here

Mahi Uddin


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